
Showing posts from September, 2018

Wildcat 100 Race Report

I ran 100K! It's like this year has tried to stop me from running a longer ultra. A work trip scuttled my Keys 100 (50M) plans. Ridiculous heat made me skip the Running with the Devil 50M. Emergency gal bladder surgery on August 2 killed plans for even a 50K. But I needed a race and as I laid on the couch last month, I browsed races. I wanted something 50M - 100K. Relatively flat and close. Long time limit. No technical trails. These are hard to find, but as I scrolled, a choir of angels started singing and this race appeared. The Wildcat 100. Pensacola. 100K. 40 hour time limit! I WAS IN! The race was September 1, basically 1 month after my surgery. I ramped up my distance a bit for the 2 weeks I had to prepare, but I felt like my training had me in good shape for this race. However, I almost skipped it. The forecast for the week leading up to it remained consistent: rain rain rain. I knew that running for that long with wet feet was not going to be good. I was SO FRUS