
Showing posts from February, 2019

Jen's Rooster Romp 50K

It has been a while since I've done a race. My last ultra was the Covert 50K, a race I totally made up, and my last real one was the Palm 100 in October. It's been too long, and though I know I'm running a 50 miler in 3 weeks and a 50K the week after that, I did not have the patience to wait. The idea of doing another self-supported 50K took hold of me last week. My 100 miler training plan has me doing LOTS of 30 mile solo runs anyway, so all things came together for me to do this! I had to drop my husband off at the airport at 11am. I was home and out running by around 12:30. My plan was to run from my house to Key west, about 15 miles, and back. This covered miles 83-97ish on the Keys 100 route. I drive this all the time and have been scouting it, but running those last miles was going to be really useful. And it went great! While that distance is hard, it doesn't feel super epic for me at this point, which is good because I have to do it a lot for the next couple