Getting Started

Ok. So the purpose of this blog is basically for me, and anyone who cares because maybe you start trying this someday, to follow along my process of figuring out ultrarunning.

I've been doing 8-10 a year for the last few years. I've done 2 in an 8 day stretch. I love them and I can do them with almost no recovery time or pain. That leads me to ultras.

I did a 50K last weekend and, other than a rough patch pushing through the wall around mile 21, it went great. I'm now pretty committed to doing more regular 50Ks and I'm eyeing some  50 mile road races. Maybe San Francisco. Maybe Chicago Lakefront in fall 2018. Maybe another I find that's sooner, depending how this all goes. But I'm going to do this!

However, I totally winged it on the nutrition in that 50K last weekend. I know exactly how to fuel in a marathon and not at all what to do once I pass 26.2 miles. I was super nauseous around mile 21 (also, it was 95 degrees with 87% humidity, which may have had something to do with how bad I felt), and while I didn't get sick from anything I ate, I need to be more rigorous about finding what works.

If I'm going to be doing this more seriously, I also need to lose some weight. I'm in the normal range for my height (about 150 at 5'8" with a decent amount of muscle), but I'm not as lean as I should be.

The plan:
Starting the Racing Weight Diet plan, which is more a shift in eating than a diet-diet. It will help be avoid a lot of desserts which is my downfall.

Figure out this nutrition business with some long runs and reading. As of today, I'm committed.

And I'm blogging the progress.


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