Today's Test Foods: Picky Bars, Stinger Gel, Grizzly Bar, Koyo Ramen

Lucky me, I had nothing on my calendar for today so I got my weekend long run in early! I left at 11am for 16 miles in the DC summer heat; when I got home, the local weather guys told me the heat index was 105!

All went well on the run, though. I prevented the chafing that my running skirt gave me last week, got a new sleeveless top that protects my shoulder blades from being rubbed raw by my camelbak (still healing from last week), and tried some new foods.

The Picky Bars looked promising, but tasted off to me. Maybe the sweetener? I didn't even take it out on the trail with me. I tried the Stinger gel on the run, but it was kind of gross. Again, just a personal taste thing, but I'm sticking with chocolate Gu in the gel department.

Fortunately, I had much better luck with the Grizzly Bar and ramen this week. The Grizzly Bar was delicious. I cut it into little bites and they were easy to eat along the run and they had a nice crispiness in them. Definite winner. The Koyo Ramen was also great. It's not spicy like last week, really easy to eat, and when I stopped home after 5 miles to get a drink and try some, I found myself eating most of the pack that I'd pre-prepared. So we now have a ramen/soup winner for the course!

Everything updated on the foods page.


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